Jan 23, 2009

STUDY BREAK! -How we plan it?

Holiday is coming! One week break is like receiving a huge pillow. Anyway, I want to greet Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. Finally, I can take a deep breath, relaxing myself and doing my own work. Holiday is the best time to enjoy ourselves! Is it? I don’t think so. Although we’ve about ten days off, we’ve a lot of homework to be completed. In average, I can say the total homework that we receive is for two weeks holiday (an example for hyperbole). I’m not whining, but just sharing. So, I ought to plan my holiday’s activities properly to ensure everything is done at the end of this holiday. What should I do? This is what I want to share with you, about how I would manage my time. Hopefully, I won’t face any disruption which can retard my brilliant planning. This is not ‘A Great Mouse Plot’ but ‘A Great Holiday Plot’. As I share my plan, I will looking at three matters that most people might face when they want to implement their plan.
Firstly, we will discuss about the way people planning. There are three distinctive types of plan, a “simple plan” (not a name of a rock band), a “flexible plan” and an “excessive plan”. Simple plan is an unburden planning for the planner. This sort of plan is made without consider to any other aspects which can influence it. For instance, we’re a student and we’ve 100 dollars in our pocket, at that time we’re demanding on a Rolex swatch. If we just make a simple plan, we’ll spend all the 100 dollars to buy the swatch. It will just give us a short term satisfaction because in the future we’ll realize that the money is more worthwhile if we spend for anything that is more essential like books or reference materials.
The second plan we’re going to discuss is the “flexible plan”. This kind of plan is the best among others. Why I said so? Because we can adjust the time to fit with our daily activities without disturbing or burden us. Somehow, we must be very discipline and strict on ourselves to ensure the plan is fully implemented.
Another plan is an “excessive plan”. It is just an exaggeration when making a plan. People who make an “excessive plan” always neglect other things without consider whether they can do all those things which they have planned or not.
Nonetheless, what I’ve mentioned above are only my point of view when looking at the planning methods which I can see from people around me. Everyone has their own way of planning. Remember, plan is like an outline sheet for our life. The wiser is your plan, the lesser you’ll suffer and you’ll gain more from your effort.


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